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Apr. 30, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Dr Marthe Kondemo is visiting Australia for the first time, thanks to a Royce and Jean Abbey vocational scholarship, the Rotary E-Club of Greater Sydney and HandUp Congo. The third African and first Congolese to receive this scholarship, ‘Rev Dr Marthe’ is a 44-year-old academic and pastor. The mum of five lives in Mbandaka, Equateur Province, DRC. Her NSW program is giving her the opportunity to learn about women’s health and livelihood initiatives that may be replicable in the Congo. Marthe Kondemo will share with us how partnerships are facilitating better ways to achieve community goals in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She will share stories about economics and agriculture, and ways women's hard work and ingenuity are creating stable income sources with money to send their children to school and keep their families healthy. The journey on which Congolese women have embarked in collaboration with Rotary and other project partners is leading to far greater transformations than they first dreamed. Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
May 07, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
In February 2020 Jenny was fortunate to enjoy her dream trip to the Antarctic Peninsula via the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and South Georgia. Join Jenny as she shares a visual tour of the journey. Through her photography, Jenny will take you on an expedition to these remote and pristine regions, showcasing their rugged landscapes, unique wildlife, and rich history. From the windswept shores of the Falklands to the iconic penguin colonies of South Georgia and the ethereal beauty of Antarctica, this talk offers a glimpse into some of the most remarkable places on Earth. Prepare to be amazed by the raw beauty and fascinating wildlife of these remote territories as Jenny brings their wonders to life through her lens. Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
May 14, 2024 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Our May board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 14th May at the usual time commencing at 7pm on ZOOM. (Board members will be sent Meeting Agenda by Secretary Ann O'Shannassy). This notification is primarily for the board members, however, any active member is welcome to join the meeting and learn about topics being discussed. You can also ask questions at the appropriate time, but please note that only elected members of the Lane Cove Rotary Club Board are able to participate in any voting. To join the meeting, click on: Meeting ID: 857 2987 8505 Passcode: 798093 Kind regards, Silvio Gmur, Lane Cove Rotary President 2023-24
May 21, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Join us in the celebration of five outstanding employees in the local community with a Rotary "Pride of Workmanship Award". The Pride of Workmanship Award is designed to acknowledge an employee, irrespective of age or vocation, who, in the eyes of his or her employer or customer, displays outstanding qualities in terms of approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to his or her job. Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
May 28, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Join us for an enjoyable evening at a local venue of long standing at Shorties Bar & Dining. Robyn has organized a delicious 2 course menu for our party: TO START (for the table to share) Wild mushroom arancini, parmesan, aioli [v] Gin & miso cured salmon, horseradish cream, fried capers, herb oil [g] MAIN (1 Choice per person)
Cost: $40 per person. Please bring cash so we can pay the venue promptly and without complication.
Jun. 04, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Optimal Health Hacks for You and Your Family Dr Micah is a family focused chiropractor, practicing at Chiropractic Central in the heart of Lane Cove! Dr Micah has had a thorough education, where she finished her studies after 6 years with a master’s degree in chiropractic from Macquarie University and has been a part of the Chiropractic Central team for the last 4 years. The team, at chiropractic central regularly go into businesses such as Soulful Fitness, F45 and Amazon to name a few, to discuss how to take people’s health to the next level. Dr. Micah from Chiropractic Central is excited to come share:
Dr Micah grew up in Adelaide, where she was inspired to become a chiropractor since being introduced at a very young age to this amazing profession, which sparked her interest in understanding the intricacy which is the human body and its function. She has a BIG passion for health, healing and now helping families achieve their health goals to be living a full, healthy, and happy life thriving in our community! Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
Jun. 11, 2024 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Our May board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 11th June at the usual time commencing at 7pm on ZOOM. (Board members will be sent Meeting Agenda ahead of time). This notification is primarily for the board members; however, any active member is welcome to join the meeting and learn about topics being discussed. You can also ask questions at the appropriate time, but please note that only elected members of the Lane Cove Rotary Club Board are able to participate in any voting. To join the meeting, click on: Meeting ID: 857 2987 8505 Passcode: 798093 NOTE:The board meeting is preceded by the Lane Cove Rotary Fair Committee from 6pm – 7pm. Please be patient and wait if it is late finishing. Kind regards, Silvio Gmur, Lane Cove Rotary President 2023-24 |
Jun. 18, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
At this evening we will present the tally of the raised funds during this Rotary year and how it is being share with our chosen recipients. A wonderful evening of celebration and appreciation! We will present 'Certificates of Donation. It will make for a great photo opportunity!
Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
Jun. 23, 2024 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
For your urgent attention please! Our annual Changeover Lunch is an event not to be missed. We encourage all members to attend to celebrate the handing over of the "Chain of Office" from President Silvio's office to newly appointed incoming President Tania Mace. Dress Code: Lounge Suit/Smart Casual Programme: 11.45am for 12noon sit-down Lunch is a 2-course meal served during the meeting. Menu (alternate dishes) NSW Young Sirloin thrice Cooked Potatoes, Asparagus and Grenache Shiraz Jus or Market Seasonal Fish Broad beans, Roast Cherry Tomatoes, Palm Heart and Lime Salad Dessert (alternate dishes) Turkish Tiramisu with Rosewater Figs (Turkish Coffee Liqueur and Labneh) or Northbridge Panna Cotta served with figs Tea and Coffee (self-service from coffee station) The cost: $60 per member and guests. Please register your attendance promptly. NOTE:The Northbridge Golf Club requires a miniumum number of attendees by Sunday this week! Payment: pre-pay into our club's admin account BSB 032 085 Acct No 319 550 with your SURNAME as reference please. |
Jun. 25, 2024 6:00 p.m.
Jul. 02, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
I'm delighted to invite members and guests to attend my first meeting as President and welcome Councillor Scott Bennison, Mayor of Lane Cove as our guest speaker. Scott will talk to us about his formative years and experiences of the Man behind the Chain of Office. Lane Cove Rotary and Council have a mutually beneficial working relationship. A number of current and past members have served as Councillors and in mayoral roles. Regards Tania |
Jul. 16, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Club future project project planning and events calendar for 2024-25. Up first is our major fundraiser: The Rotary Lane Cove Fair and Raffle sales. Stay connected with our Local community, International, Youth, Environmental and Vocational projects. 2024-25 Lane Cove Rotary has life-changing projects to get everyone excited! |
Jul. 30, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Join your Rotary friends and partners, To celebrate Christmas in July at The Longueville Hotel Order and pay for your food & drinks from the bar |
Aug. 06, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Paris 2024 Olympics 26 July - 11 August! Join our fun night: Guest Speaker and Author Max Hitchins, Plus Olympic trivia with Patty Wilson-Cust Proud Australian Olympic devotee Max Hitchins is a local, multi-published author. His latest book published by Amazon 'CHASING GOLD' is rated the “#1 Most Gifted Sports Coaching Book”. This book is a world first, with QR codes offering an interractive experience. Max has been collecting and memorising stirring stories and fabulous feats of Athletes through the years. His stories will delight all Sports fans as we relive some of the most memorable and inspiring Olympic moments! |
Aug. 20, 2024 6:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
No Meeting at The Diddy Tue 20 August We are supporting a Multi-Club meeting at Northbridge Golf Club 6pm for 6.30pm Bookings close Mon 12 August. Rotary Guest Speakers: PDG Dave & Robbi Harmon from the Rotary cCub of Ballina on Richmond lead a national campaign that says ‘NO to Domestic and Family Violence and YES to respectful relationships'. Dinner served at NGS $30, pay at door. Lane Cove has booked for a table of 9. Please register via this invitation and we will laiise with Northbridge for additional if required.
Aug. 27, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Join us for an informal social evening, partners, guests and visitors are welcome! Enjoy each others company at Zapparelli's Restarant,158 Burns Bay Rd for pizzas, pastas and gelatos! Robyn has booked a large table for us and planning a shared group menu. 'Buoni amici e buon cibo' (good friends, good food) Be sure to BOOK! |
Sep. 03, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Women in Peace Leadership in Cambodia Recently we heard the amazing story of Rev. Dr. Marthe Maleke Kondemo from the Democratic Republic of Congo who was sponsored by Royce and Jean Abbey Vocational Scholarship, Rotary International and The Institute for Economics and Peace. Her Vocational Scholarship focused on “justice” and “peace” as central ideas. One of Marthe's major teachers in Sydney was our Lane Cove nominated Rotary Peace Fellow, Patrica Garcia AO. As an employee of the Institute for Economics and Peace in recent years Patrica has undertaken similar work in Cambodia and is passionately committed to the upskilling of women in peace education. In this talk Patricia will explain to us what she is trying to achieve, why she is trying to achieve it, what her experience has been so far and what her plans are for the future. |
Sep. 10, 2024 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday 10 Sept starting 7:00pm on Zoom. This notification is for Club Board and Committee Chairs, however members are welcome to join the meeting and ask questions at the appropriate time, but please note that only Board members are able to vote. To join the meeting, click on link below: Meeting ID: 857 2987 8505 Passcode: 798093 Kind regards, PP Silvio Gmur |
Sep. 17, 2024 6:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Join us to hear former member Patrick Price speak to us on Zoom from New Zealand. Pat will be sharing updates on the Heartland Academy school in Kathmandu, Nepal, a wonderful project supported by Lane Cove Rotary over many years. At the meeting, we will also give an overview on our fully booked Rotary Car Boot Sale on Saturday 22 October and our Rotary Fair on Sunday 13 October '24. This will be a most interesting meeting so don't miss out! Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
Sep. 24, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Join us for a delightful evening at Lane Cove Thai Eatery where previously we experienced delicious and generous servings. The set share menu that will be served is well priced at a cost of $37.00 per person. Entree: 1. Vegetarian Spring Roll, 2. Steamed Chicken & Prawn Dumpling, 3. Fish Cake, 4. Salted and Pepper Squid Mains: 1. Steamed Barramundi & Ginger Shallot, 2. Honey Prawns, 3. Heavenly Beef, 4. Green Curry Vegetable & Tofu, 5. Chicken Fried Rice The restaurant is also BYO, - wine only. Looking forward to seeing our members and guests joining us for an evening with great food and fellowship! Kind regards, Robyn Sleet, Fellowship Chair. |
Oct. 01, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Dr Liz Gill is an honorary researcher at the John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research at the Kolling Institute at Royal North Shore Hospital. The first of the Baby Boomers (BB) will soon be 80 years old! There are a huge number of BBs who are renowned for having very different characteristics to the existing octogenarian generation. Based on BB characteristics as a generation and their previous behaviour, they are unlikely to go quietly into that good night! Government has focused largely on the increasing number of services and accommodation that would be required to support Boomers, with no obvious consideration of how they will need to be tailored to align with the characteristics of this generational group. This is most likely due to a paucity of research that explores BB expectations and plans for their ageing.Her research asks what expectations and demands the Boomer group will have for their health, accommodation and aged-care support systems and how existing systems will need to change to meet what Boomers will need and demand. We will also hear from Rotary Fair Chair Lalitha Warren and Project Director John Palmer on insights and updates on our Fair Day on Sunday 13 October, 2024. We are looking forward to having your attendance at this meeting so we can share all exciting news and updates. Be involved and get excited!
Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
Oct. 08, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Following a great meeting this week in relation to the Fair on Sunday 13 October will will have another face-to-face meeting to ensure all "i's are dotted and all t's are crossed" for our most important fund raising event of the year! Your participation at this meeting is of great importance in order to be across all of the day's many activities and organization. Please bring sold Raffle Ticket Books to the meeting, as it takes a lot of time to unpick the tickets ready for the draw on the big day! This meeting will be held in a reserved section of the covered outdoor bistro area of The Diddy.
Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza!
Oct. 15, 2024 6:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Two days after our major annual Fund Raising Event, we have the opportunity to review what's been achieved and celebrate our successes. We will take the opportunity to thank one and all but most of all acknowledge the efforts of the Rotarians charged with the planning and organizing this year's Fair which has required a big effort. Catering at the Diddy is by LUSSO Kitchen. You order and pay individually. - On arrival proceed to the bar area to place order. They have a large selection of small and large dishes including tasty Pizza! |
Oct. 22, 2024 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday 22 October starting 7:00pm on Zoom. This notification is for Club Board, Committee Chairs and invitees, however members are welcome to join the meeting and ask questions at the appropriate time, but please note that only board members are able to vote. In the abscence of our secretary PDG Lindsay May, I will send out a Draft Agenda to the board members and invitees with a request to send in directors and chair reports for inclusion in the agenda to speed up the meeting. To join the meeting, click on link below: Meeting ID: 857 2987 8505 Passcode: 798093 Kind regards, PP Silvio Gmur |
Oct. 29, 2024 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Hazel and Graham McNamara are graciously hosting our social evening at their Northwood Residence for members and partners. Hazel will arrange for chicken and assorted Salads amongst other food items. Please BYO wine and beer. Please bring the correct amount ($20 per person) to pay Hazel on the evening. Please confirm your attendance no later than 5pm, Monday in order for catering arrangements to be made. Please park your vehicles on Northwood Road |